All athletes practice self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. I Corinthians 9:25, NLT
For the past two weeks, my evenings have been filled with the thrill of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. Watching runners sprint, swimmers glide, divers plunge, and gymnasts soar, I was captivated by their pursuit of the ultimate prize: the gold medal. As I marveled at Team USA’s achievement of forty gold medals, I couldn’t help but think of another race, one that the apostle Paul speaks of in the Bible.
Just as Olympic athletes dedicate years to rigorous training, Christians are called to a spiritual discipline. Paul reminds us that a prize awaits those who diligently run the Christian race. What does this training entail? It involves the daily practice of self-denial and the disciplines of prayer, Bible study, and worship. These practices require sacrifice and perseverance, much like an athlete’s regimen.
Though the journey may be challenging and there will be days when we feel like giving up, we must keep our eyes on the eternal prize. Unlike an Olympic medal, our reward will never fade away.
So, don’t settle for just any medal as you run the Christian race. Go for the gold!
Today’s prayer: Father, help me to train diligently for the Christian race, so I may receive my eternal prize. Amen.